Ntomem: Man 22 gun down by Security man

 A 22 year old Emmanuel Arthur, aka, Amaro has been shot to death by a Chinese Security guard at a mining site at Ntomem in the Amansie Central District of the Ashanti region.

An eyewitness, Kodie Joseph, aka Odwoo narrating the incident to Nana Ampratwum on Silver fm Omanbapa morning show said, he together with the deceased and other friends visited a mining site belonging to a Chinese company to engage in the mining after the company was closed yesterday.

According to him, they picked up a blanket which belonged to the company to check if they can get any gold when the suspected security man warned them to return the blanket but they refused.

He added that, the suspect gave a warning shot in a close range without adhering to their advice to stop shooting.

Odwoo stressed that, the deceased urged the suspect to shot firing but unfortunately the suspect shot him to death.

Odwoo revealed that, prior to the incident, the suspect threatened to shot the deceased whenever he get the chance.

He noted that, one of the securities personal is currently in the Tweapease Police custody pending investigations.




 Kejetia market: Securities angry over unpaid salaries

Security personals at the Kejetia market have expressed their dissatisfaction towards the Management of Kejetia and Lesburner Security Company limited.

Lesburner Security Company is responsible for providing security personals to Kejetia market.

Some of the Security personals speaking to Silver fm’s reporter, Akwadaa Nyame disclosed that, they have not been for the past four (4) months.

According to them, Management of Kejetia market directly pays their salaries through their company (Lesburner Security Company) but they have not seen their salaries for that month.

They added that, life has become unbearable for them hence the need for the authorities to intervene.

They revealed that, their monthly salary ranges from GHC520- 500).

The Security personals threatened to closed down Kejetia terminal market if their salaries are not been paid in due time.









I did nothing wrong – Asiedu Nketia justifies his presence in Parliament

General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has justified his presence in Parliament on the day of the rejection of the 2022 Budget.

According to him, he did no wrong in sitting in the public gallery of the Parliamentary Chamber even after the Speaker directed all Ministers who are non- Members of Parliament (MPs) to exit the Chamber since he had only come to observe the proceedings for the day.

He came to sit in the public gallery and wasn’t speaking to anybody, he was just sitting down observing things so how do they see him and just say ‘Asiedu Nketia is in the Chamber so must leave’ when other members of the public gallery were still in the gallery.

Mr Nketia’s presence in Parliament on Friday, November 27, 2021, generated a lot of drama.

The NDC General Secretary, who is also a member of the Parliamentary Service Board, visited the House to observe proceedings but his presence was disapproved by the Majority Caucus.

Prior to the vote to approve the 2022 budget, the Finance Minister appealed to the Speaker to allow him to further engage the leadership of Parliament over the budget. But the appeal was turned down by the MPs through a voice note.

In view of that, the Speaker directed that all non-MPs will have to vacate Parliament for that form of voting to take place.

At this time, the Finance Minister was in the Chamber, yet was not an MP. His

After noticing that the General Secretary of the NDC was in the public gallery, the Majority also demanded the removal of Mr Nketia from Parliament.

Whilst the NDC MPs remained calm, their colleagues on the other side created a chaotic scene, banging on the table and accusing the Speaker of bias. ….ASIEDU NKETIAH…..

LGBTQI+ Bill: Committee tasked to probe memoranda resumes sitting

The Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee of Parliament has, resumed its public hearing on the series of memoranda for and against the Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill currently before the House.

The Bill seeks to criminalize LGBTQI+ activities in the country.

The public hearings are aimed at giving proponents for and against the Bill to explain to Committee members why they support or oppose the Bill.

Ningo Prampram legislator, Hon. Sam George, member of the MPs calling for the passage of the bill defending their decision at the public hearing said, they believe the object to this bill is to provide proper human sexual rights to also ensure that they have a form of legislation (i.e what are Ghanaians family values are relating to sexual relations).

He added that, they also intend by object of this bill to proscribe the LGBTQI+ and related activities in Ghana and also intend to proscribe the propaganda off, the advocacy off.

According to him, the object of this bill to provide protection and support for children and victims who are accused or got as a supporters of activities related to LGBTQI+.








Ghana Health Service declares December COVID-19 Vaccination Month

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has declared December as Vaccination Month to ensure more Ghanaians are immunised against the COVID-19 infection.

The Minister of Health, Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, will on Tuesday, November 30, 2021 launch the Special Vaccination Programme.

The group of persons to be vaccinated during the period include all government workers, security personnel, health workers, staff and students at secondary and tertiary education institutions, commercial drivers and their mates, as well as staff of the three Arms of Government.

Dr Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, the Director-General of the GHS, who announced this at a media briefing in Accra on, said the Service would reinforce the monitoring and enforcement of existing COVID-19 protocols in collaboration with the security agencies.

Touching on the GHS’ strategy for the Upcoming Christmas, Dr Kuma-Aboagye said the Service would reinforce response mechanisms to the anticipated surge in Covid-19 infections, strengthen contact tracing and follow-ups, as well as improve risk communication and provision of more reagents for testing.

He added that, between December 2021 and January 2022, one must, therefore, be vaccinated before entering nightclubs, restaurants’ beaches and the sports stadia.

Dr Kuma-Aboagye said 12.5 million vaccines out of the 20 million targeted this year had been received with 5.4 million people vaccinated.


Dr. Kuma Aboagye again said, Ghana had not recorded the new COVID-19 variant called Omicron, which is heavily mutated, but would conduct more genome sequencing to determine whether there were cases in the country, he said.




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